A Pilgrimage

All my life I have wanted to visit Lourdes. I grew up hearing of the healing waters and the little girl who saw a vision of The Virgin Mary. I had the opportunity to travel to see my daughter who lived in England, and my son-in-law treated me to a trip by car to Lourdes., France.
It truly was a pilgrimage, as we drove for ages. Just being in The Pyrenees was spectacular. When we arrived we were tired but in awe of the magnificent church built on the site near the miraculous waters. Whatever I planned to receive from going into the holy bath was replaced by an overwhelming need to go in as proxy for my mother who suffered greatly. When I witnessed the people who came with their hopes, their faith and trust that they would be healed, it created in me a deep desire to ask for their healing. For me that was the miracle.

Some might say it is foolish superstition. I respectfully disagree. Go there and see for yourself. You will be changed forever. I was.


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